The Progressive Age from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

i A Section. Mustang Liniment owattfin and all deep-scated paina. Mexican Ik-iifc lor Ilia i i ey" I 1)1 li l-n I. I Ti! Bridgeport Doctor piUerA urm-'iilv tnmrt, tiahii) pun-ham-d by the New City 1 rn a of N-ottfbort), who will conduct he ltti a ns 5 a Thomson, 1 crudn-t r-it-i hii-r of the rnlirua.i about to he built from llrldgeport to (he Nullum is coal mines, is now in the final location of the I ai o. jmi Miss Lillic Dcgcnkolbc, Treasurer South End Society of Christian Endeavor, 3 141 Michigan Ave, Chicago, 111., Cured by Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Dear Mrs. Plvkuam When life looked brightest to me I sustained a hard fall and internal complications were the result. I was considerably inflamed, did not feel that I could alk, and lost my good spirits. I spent money doctoring without any help, when a relative visited our home.

She was so enthusiastic ever "Lyt'ia E. riiikliam's Vegetable Compound, having used it herself, that nothing would satisfy her until I sent for a it tie. 1 have thanked her a hundred times fdr it since, for it brought blessed health to me and cured me within seven weeks. I now wish to thank you, your mediclns is a fiici-d in suffering women." Liixie Degexkolbe. FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LTTTTKIt IS NOT C.

CYSTINE. "When women arc troubled with irregular, or painful menstruation, weakness, leueorrhoea, disjihK-ement or ulivration of the womb, that bearins-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros-trat ion, or are beset witii such symptoms as dizziness, faiutness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, all-gone," and want-to-lteJef t-alono feelings, blues, and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. JLydia E. I'i ok ham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Infuse to my any other medicine, for you need the best 7 Irs.

Pinkham invites all slek women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. For Sprains and Strains It is to apply a linimout that remain on or ner the surface. On the ctmtrary, they retiuire somethina; tiint goMi down into the flesh whor* the trouble ia K-cakid.

't hat ia why Mexican Mustang Linimeait is the beat thing to for Bprains and Strain. It penetrates at once to where the injury Ilea, drives out lUa intianimstkm end heals the wounded tissut and tendon. Don't be stingy in using the huinient nor fail to rub it In as thoroughly us the soreness will isnuit. Mexican Mustang Liniment is a good thing to have on hand when accidents happen. tiro Phillip of l.angsion fi appointment here holiday.

1'f'if Pai and laniuot Dow. in went to Marshall enmity lst Friday, reluming aUir.lay even-In Mi SaSSin Hiot.k and Weob, Morgan, tuun and Adkiim, of l.anjHjn, visitrd hero f.undv. bailie Cuuimlua went to Oivuniwo i a wee to Vint ftr l-t ter. II Tlancot'k made a bnslnesa trip to Attalla and (Jadmlea 1 a -t week. Born on the 2Nt to Mr and Mrs Chat! ina girl.

Married on the 20th int. Mr Mid-ton Morris to Mis Ltazlo Mr Morri 1 one of our beM citizens. MIsa Council la from tioorgia, ana a Mr Weal her ly of this place. Mrs Addie Patteraon died at her home nar hero on the She leaves a hubod and several small uuiiureii, iiu mourn ner loss. 10 them we extend our deepext sympathy.

Mewrs Morris, Eilter, Reidtd and Miller, of Beading, were here last week andclosod a deal with Harris, of Scottsboro, and Umler ef thin place, for a largo tract of land. They have begun work on the land opening lithograph quarries. The proHpoct so fur is very flaltcring. The and spacious house at Fern Cliff will bo remodeled and a nice boardiog house opened up. How Thlt We offar One Hundred Dollars Reward for any rse of Cstarrli that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.

F. J. CHENEY Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known J. F.

Clieney for the laot 15 years, and believe bim perfe-tlv honorable in all his busi-oess transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WestATrcax, Wholesale Drugitista, Toleeo. O. WALmta, Kiknan Marvis, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and nm cons surfaces of the Price, 75c.

per bottle. Sold by Testis menials free. Hails Family Fills are the best. For all fresh cuts or wounds, either on the human subject or oo animals, Ballard's Snow Liniment is exoelUnt while for corn-buskers' sprained wrists, barbed wire cute and sores on working horses, it cannot be too highly commeaded. Price 25 and 50 cents.

New City Drug Store. Von Know What Yoa. are Taking. When yoa take Grove Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly wri'-ten on every botUs showing thtt it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Xo cure no nay.

50c, White Hickory Wsgons are the best. Warranted for 12 months. Skelton is the PIKE ROADS. Sealed bids will be received at my office until 1 o'clock p. m.

Nov. 27, 1901, for the construction of about one mile of road through Wridow Creek Bottom, between Stevenson and the State line. Plans, profiles, specifications can be seen at my office in Scottsboro. Ii. S.

SKELTON, President. Road Building. Scaled bids will be received at my office until 1 o'clock p. November 15th, for the building of about one and one-half "miles macadamized road from Ca person's Ferry to foot of the mountain, and about two miles macadamized road from near CoiToy's Store up Big Coon Creek. Pians, profiles, specifications, can be seen at.

my officii. November 7, 1SJ0L B. S. 5k ei. ton, President.

HORTGAGIiS WANTED. Farm Loans A Specialty I have the best facilities in-the country for placing all hinds of loans. Two-thirds valuo loaned at and special arrangements raadt with Trust Co. for guaranteeing repayment. ft.i.-k9 asrj bonds of- all kinds bought and sold.

M.T. SJIOEM.MCEC, EoxCOl rialajdpliia. 1'a. pint and will take position ft kq. prtmtondsttt of the hi ml factory.

A parly ot engineers of the 1 aitt'd States geological survey wcri Ja town Thursday. General Manager Gilos, accompanied by some of tlio directors the United Siate Cart Ir.m Tip made an inspection of the slant here Tt Tev MeCls'-kf-y, who lisi. tx-en pastor of the Church, South, here for the p4 year, left Monday morning to at tend the Georgia Con ference at Home. Ga- and from th-r be will go to Annitdon, to tho Xorlh Alabama Conference, MI Sallie Canter, who has been on an extended visit to relative and friends in Texas returned home Saturday. Mrs Knight and family, of Tack ier, have moved into the Swi.g cot tage on Hudson avenue.

Karl Daniel, of Scott-boro, was in the city several dais this week. There will be a union Thanksgiv. ing service in the Episcopal church at 2:30 p. Thursdav, conducted by llev A Noll, of South ruts-burg. Dr Will Anderson, of Chattanooga, was the guest of his parents on Church street.

loing the Ultht Thtnx. The trouble begins with a tickling in the throat and a nagging little cough. Soreness in the chest to! lows and the patient wonders if ho is going to have an all winter cold. Probably, if he does the wrong thing or nothing. Certainly not if he uses Perry Davis' Painkiller, the staunch twenty-fow hears.

There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Spread Like Wildfire. When thing? are "the best'1 they become "the best Belling." Abraham Hare, a lending druggist of Belleville, writee "Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled in 20 yearn." You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of the stomach, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric bitters tones tip the stomach, rejulate liver, kidneys and bowels, purities the blood, strengthens nerves, hence cures mult tudes of maladies. It bnilda np the entire system.

Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sicklv, run-down man or woman. Price 50c. Sold by VV II Pavae and New City Drug Co drngfjims. Aspel. It has been quite awhile since I have seen any news in the coluins of the Age from our little town, so I will endeavor to give you a few dots hast Saturday was a 1usy day in our little town, as it was tax gathering day and our genial -and jolly Hh-essor was on hand, and our collector was represented bv his son.

I) Bowse the collector for the Age wan on hand also. Smith made a flying business trip to lluiitsvillo one day last week Messrs Vandi ver Banks passed through here recently with a fino Jot of enroute to Paint Book Val ley. Tom Merriam Chatlanooga, was here one day last week. Messrs 0 Hooper, Smith and Wright went to Scottsboro one dav last week. Handsoma A Winborn of Cany Cove was bore Saturday.

Mrs Ira Brown has returned from a week visit to her parents and relatives at Larkinsville. McCntohen Jr, of Larkinsville was down one day last week. Smith of Canev Cove, is vis iting relatives here this week. Mr Bridges and daughter, ot Princeton, canto over last Friday Miss liridgcH will besriu our pnblic school at this plane today, Me-daiht'S Flurence and lailu wniili and Misses Annii and Henrv- sne, Smii went, to Scottsboro last Fndnv il Owen and fainilv moved to I ho irk place purchased of Wright. i Tin Yen i will nmve Ken-nuni Cove this net k.

Messrs Jains Mills -nd John Pra- l.ll ,1 I I lt ll.l.i. rUilllfl.J ll.ll. inii.i.i,! l.n.o IUIMIIJ- from Texas. Thev tav Jackon ci.ur.iy is barii beat. Emma Gideon has relurned from an eight months visit to her itor, Mrs heer of YYoodiatvn No.

Mr T.evena Gideon liai returned from a visit to relatives in Scottsboro I'Ten von ft-l that life in haid'y worth i i-i'it t'ie ili sl C.iass.t; ainV Momaeb and Liver Tablets. They will -de-tnie your stomach, tone tip your liver siid regulate voir bowels making von feel a ns J.r by iflVrne, V.eilbo'rn, Lan'ton, Hymer. Df I6 L0Lai: filled his regular appointment at Kudders Chape sundav, and will preach at Wannviile next Sunday, lst.prox. Uncle John Crabtree died lat Sunday night aboct 8 o'clock. He had been afflicted for some time.

He professed a hope in Christ on his deathbed. His remains were laid to rest in the Price graveyara. Born to Mr and Mrs Geo Death a girl, on the 21st inst. Dr Beech, of your town, was here recently There is an immense lot of timber shipped from the Ilussell-cut switch, near here. Brown was over at his farm oo the 23d.

It Gamble, constable, was here Saturday. Charles Haves will move to near Oik Grove. York contemplates moving to the Washington farm. There were several from lhi place who attended meeting at Rudder' Chapel Sunday. James King, who hs been at llridgcport and Whiteside, ia spend ing a lew flays with friends in thin community.

We expect the new circuit rider at Oak lirove So ml v. Miss Pixia Bu lder is teaching at H'ul lei's chapel Jumped on a Tea Fennr all. The Mr. j. y.

Powe, jumped an iovertej rke made of ten pennv nmis, and thrust one nail cnlirciv tlmnitfh her foot and a tte.ind one half tnroiiiih Chamberlain' Pain Balm applied snd five ininntej I.Ll.'r tliw A iia 'i ri.A rs.t un Tin nire nv ni ex Iii three Avxh tint chilJ wsa wrarmg ber shoe as wuh atwilnielT no diHComfnrt Mr. Vr.wi-ll is wpll known nierchmit of Foikmnd. "a Pmn Itsdin is nn sniisep- Mieimi lit at hi i jnnen withiitu. mii nirKtioti and tti one-third the time reouir- 1 f' iiv it ft ii-nul trentment. for mil by If fViviie.

Sedtlsbom. unit ell- LiinsKni. Box Cove. 'I iii.1 -tsit it key iiote in I'lfijri'fiiC Ail'iid week in r. uard )o Panit Ihn-k Valnn 1'ike.

iimI ii i uaniu wu'd 1J of bi-iK fit uv Srot'ptmro as this road. It wnld opm trt.iisportaDon for tli'P a yraiio of Moim coat as i in this fotiutrv, Niotioboro can vat her cosl chwimt from unite I ih-in it now can bn bonabt in Langston. The school under the management of Prof 11 Moore is progressing nicely. Mr Cris. Grigg has a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles I was proud to see them, for I think they correspond very liicely with his gray hair.

liev A Chappell preached his farewell semon here Sunday. lie goes to conference this week. Mrs Jasper Mafheny and little son are visiting relatives here this week. Bayiier and wife are all smiles, 'lis a new eon, SubSett, of Section, is visiting her sister Benson, of this piaee, hats entered school at Jacksonville, Ala Good lock to yon, Jim. A number of the young people of this plac attended Perry sinking: at Section Sunday.

Clarence Bynnm, nnr clever pike-road mm, ha- about finished the road h-r. I tuuik, probably, he would hko the company to give hitu a eon-uaet to build a pike road to Terry Bros' iuii3 schoul. Mif r.UMi I'hillios will Ifave soon fur )iidonv wnero hum has a five month term of hcIiooI. Quite a number of LaiiifHion's are yiiiif wed thii fall. The icuthennjr of cropn of both corn nd cotton are about a thing of tllS PHiit.

Orren Nihlelt has removed bin residing pi arm lo nek (irons', on lie o'U fide o' le river ujh. newiy niarriea loan or Stf.iOii, was on our Mreel Moiii'ay. Some ot our cirls snent Kiinibti-. Flnri.ii..u Niihula had I mm. Smmbv -lid wo milled our obliging mil uiiouv ticniicd and prt-achilitr Sim- dav.

1 woiid- if 8orr i uieebodv i 1 Tu urn it HnM in ))n I.ay. Take h. Quinine T-ibleN. Alt firni-U ti) core 1. vV i'v.

I I' on sell I I Yt i hi- th 1 ir i -t ii, ii.i in ti civilized rlt. mot hers ami ln-ver ilniuhl of Dun; auvthiiig e-cfl fur tndieeaiton or uii-iouni's. iieiir were warriM, antl tbev apnendioiti--nt-rvou or heart la i' etc. 'i nev tinMl August hi- 1 clean i .1 -t i mentation of naiiirest. hw tJie actum ef ftunulaie the injrvoa solion of the svsiem.

Iha alt Hittv lonk. 1 'i i II Hid hi 1 it'l i aeh. an t.tbe acbex. oa only fl 1 of rein's lid i in, to i i' lUI. i oil 5F0.

Sili optri (0)1 I I Skelton has air tight wood heating stoves at $2, $3 and To The Public. Allow me to say a few words-in praise of Chamberliin's Cough Remedy. 1 had a very severe cnnxh and coid and feared I would get pneumonia, but after taking the second dose of this medicine I felt better; ihree hot' leg of it enred my cold and the pains in my chest disappeared entirely. I am most resocliully yours for health, Ralph 8. Meyers, 63 Thirty-seventh Wheilintr, W.

Va. For sale by Ii Payne, Scotuboroj and Wellliorn, Langston. To do to lexas by Tho Choctaw Bout. Free reclining chair cars through without change to Arkansas, Indian Oklahoma Territories and Texas, the th only line to Texas and ihe Territories without a transfer of depots at Memphis. Ilomeseekers tickets sold to all points west for one fare pins two dollars for the 'ound trip.

For further information, address. FM Griffith, Traveling Passenger Agent Memphis, Tenn. Geo. II. Lee, General Passenger Agent.

Little Itock, Ark. Ch'ambei Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness, constipation and headache. They are eay to lake and pleasant in effect. For sale bv Payne, Soottsooio, ml Wellborn, Laiijpton. Winter tdouies la buuimer Lands, The above is the title of an attractive booklet just tssned by tho passenger department of the Soutlmrn-Bailway, It Is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the south.

A copy of it may be secured by sending a two cent stamp to Mr. A Benscottor, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenu. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. inera is a disease prevailing in this neart disease, pneumonia, hsart failurs or apoplexy are often the result of ridney d.seaie. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-Doisoned blood will attack the k-, -vital or the kidneys themselves break down and wests away cell by coll.

Bladder troubles most always resulf from a derangement of the kidneys and. a cure is obiainsd quickest by a proper treatment of ihe kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Koot, the great kidney, liver and blaster remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and Overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go ofien during the day, and to Pst up many times daring the night.

The -mild' the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon reahzsd. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most oistresslne cases. Swamp-Root is pUoss. by all druggists in fifty-shed bottles. You may h-ve a iatnp: bof'e of this wonderful new dis-1 a-i I a Icja t'-t tails a ii auout it, fcr-ih ri fi tJ.

V. teading-this getisruus eft tcS take and soid it and one-dollar i ran vnung mens this papur. country most dangsrous because so 'decep- II ve. Mary suidn I are cau5d by rf J'iNv 1 vsis. bi ra trJ i i i no reflection cnarmin? as ma v.

li ..11 .1... ii iiiciivw tiow liiai 3 i comes from CC aa M' I I7si Prepared in nrtauij color tint to ttrmuauE villi ur i -J i tXHi room or anil, Bui vtari ttirL AdsUis CTivnt on OILCO. tffs KOW-HKSIIK'T SOT10F. I Tn Scottsboro, Ninth District. Nnflhrn Chanrerv Division.

George F. Diltv Bachael In this canso it ir mado to apnuar to the Besistr. bv tin affidavit of L. Conlson. olictfor for complainant, that the defendant, Bachael Dittv.

is a non-resident of fh State of Ala-bama, and that she resides at Sber- ville, in tho State of Arkansas; and fnrtbor, that, in helief of said affiant, the defendant is of the age of twenty-one vears It is therpfore ordered by the Beg- ister that publication be made in tbo Pkourkssivi: Aoe. a newspaper pnb- liahoa tn tiHcitsotv i 'ountv, onc, a week for thirtv days, requiring her to answer or deniur to ihe bill of complaint in thiscanie by the 26di day of Decpfnber, 1901, or, thirty days thereafter a decree pro confesao mav be takpn asrainst her. It is further ordered, thst a copv of this order bo posted at the Conrt House door of said district, and that a copy of said paper roiitaininar said ordor bo forwarded by mail to the said defendant at. her postofSce address within twenty days from this dato. Granted, November 26, BIOL 28no-4t.

A. Kvi.k. Bejfistpr. Mlicat Sown Deceiiiber. We heard a man sav the oihcr dy Ibat one of the best yields wheat he ever saw in this cnnnlv.

the sowing was done on Christmas Dav. So if yon lave tbo teed, put it in evoii so late as If the senson favrri it will do ss well, and that sown earlier is dependent on the scac-n jti-t the salon. AttouiiOiiir IHi-oyery. From Coopersville, comes word of a di-u'wry of a laslina: liijitid tbn.t when used before re-lirinit hv any one tumbled with bad cmi'di always enmres a good niehl's reit. Ml will cure the cotadt too," writes Mrs.

"for three getierartms onr family have used Dr. Kiok's New Diseov. ery for Consumption a never found its equal for coughs and co'ds." It an nn-riv-ilui. lii'e fiver whin tij-ed fur deq-pernie Ions ii-'a-. boltle-i at 60c and nt It Payne's aud New City Drug Co's.

Trial bottle free, Iirw Am "ft'netr Klrsfiys 9 frit 11 tie. AOd. is fcvibwiy ft i.oio jit tr iiiiit I' t- It ii' tarn- ti i tl k'p the in nn ai i KWp lite tJouili ttmi ui old sti'lve 't'liiime Tiblc- i nn i one it No care, no pay. ne mi ihf hr oloorp fd health. Pt Store..

The Progressive Age from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.