US surgeon general declares US gun violence an urgent public health crisis | CNN (2024)


Gun violence in the United States is a public health crisis that demands urgent action, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared in a major new advisory that pushes for more research and stronger laws designed to reduce harm.

It’s the first time a publication from the country’s leading voice for public healthhasfocused on firearm violence and its “profound consequences” on survivors, communities, and mental health.

Organizers of The Shotline, a website where people can send AI voice messages to members of Congress to push for stricter gun control measures, at Capitol Hill last week. WPLG Related article These six young people died by gun violence. Now their AI-generated voices are sending gun control pleas to lawmakers

“Over the last decade or two, this problem has been worsening and we have now reached the point where gun violence is the leading cause of death among kids and teens – the leading cause of death. That is something that we should never take as the new normal. There’s nothing normal about that,” Murthy told CNN’s John Berman.

Guns have become a deeply polarizing issue, Murthy said, but the advisory is meant to “take it out of the realm of politics and put it into the realm of public health, which is where it belongs.” The advisory lays out key preventive steps and regulatory measures that Murthy says can turn the tide on gun violence — just as they did for tobacco-related disease and motor vehicle crashes.

“Many people I’ve talked to around the country worry that this may be an intractable problem, that there’s no way to solve it,” he said. “That’s not true.”

Record-breaking level of gun deaths

Tuesday’s advisory spells out how devastating gun violence has been in the United States and details how public health strategies can help.

“We’ve experienced so many mass shootings, so many incidents of gun violence in our neighborhoods and communities, that it has really pervaded the psyche of our country. It has induced fear in people about regular day-to-day activities, like going to the grocery store, going to school, going to work,” Murthy said.

In 2022 alone, more than 48,000 people in the US died from firearm-related injuries,according to provisional data.That number included homicides, suicides and unintentional deaths.

People visit a memorial at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to honor those killed on the 5th anniversary of the mass shooting on February 14, 2023 in Parkland, Florida. On February 14, 2018 fourteen students and three staff members were killed during the shooting at the school. Saul Martinez/Getty Images/File Related article As guns rise to leading cause of death among US children, research funding to help prevent and protect victims lags

The rate of firearm-related deaths in the US has been rising,according to the advisory, reaching a three-decade high in 2021. Since then, data has shown a decrease in gun-related homicides, while the number of gun-related suicides have stayed about the same, the advisory says.

While mass shootings are still rare, making up just about 1% of gun deaths, the number of mass shooting incidents has been rising, according to the advisory.

AKFF poll in April last yearalso showed that gun violence is all too common in the lives of Americans. More than half of adults that live in the US report that they or their loved ones have experienced a firearm-related incident. One in five adults say they have personally been threatened with a gun, and nearly the same number said that a family member was killed by a gun. That last number included those who used a gun in a suicide.

People of color are disproportionately impacted by gun violence, thesurgeongeneral’s advisory says. In 2022, Black people saw the highest rates of firearm-related homicides across all ages.

That same year,Black children and adolescents made up half of all firearm deaths, despite being only 14% of this demographic, the advisory says. The violence isn’t just a direct physical threat:It can threaten an entire communities’ sense of well-being and can lead to elevated levels of stress and mental health problems.

Childrenages1 to 19die from gunsmorethan anything else in the US,studies show.

Children, in general, faced the highest gun violence mortality rate among peer countries by far.In the US,there were 36.4 deaths per million people ages 1to19;in Canada, its 6.2 per million, in Australia, it’s 1.6 per million and in the UK, it’s 0.5 per million.

Law enforcement officers work at the scene of a shooting at Perry High School in Perry, Iowa, U.S., January 4, 2024. REUTERS/Scott Morgan Scott Morgan/Reuters Related article Visualizing how mass shootings in 2024 compare with past years

An analysis of unintentional firearm deaths among children and adolescents found that 56% of these incidents happened in the child’s own home. Part of the problem is the way firearms are kept: Among the incidents where the details were known, 74% of the firearms were stored loaded and 76% were stored unlocked. Most commonly, guns were found in sleeping areas, such as in nightstands, under a pillow or mattress or on a bed.

In addition to the physical problems such violence can cause, firearm violence can also take a toll on mental health, the advisory says. Fears about gun violence are particularly common among children, the advisory says, and many worry that they will experience such violence at school.

Public health leaders will have to address the country’s high suicide rate, according to the advisory. More than half of gun deaths in 2022, 56%, were from suicide.

Unlike with homicides, the highest rate of gun suicides for adults 45 years and older involved White people. For younger people, those who identified as American Indian or Alaska Native had the highest rate of gun suicides.

In2021, the suicide rate for men who are veteranswas 62.4% higherthan for men who are not veterans. It was 281.1% higher for women whoare veteranscomparedwithwomen whoare not.

A public health approach to gun violence

The advisorysaysmore money needs to be dedicated to firearmsresearch to understand how to reduce and prevent firearm violence in the US, and investments musttarget better data collection and prevention strategies. The advisory urges communities and health-care systems to step up to help populations that are particularly vulnerable to this kind of violence.

The advisory also calls for more gun laws, includingrequirements for safe and secure firearm storage, a ban on assault weapons, universal background checks and effective firearm removal policies. It also says firearms should betreatedlike any other regulated consumer products,such ascars or pesticides.

“There are no federal standards or regulations regarding the safety of firearms produced in the US,” the advisory says. “Firearms manufactured and sold in the US may not undergo safety testing or include safety features like warning labels related to associated risk or authorized-use technology (“smart” firearm technology) for firearm access. Treating firearms as a consumer product could result in changes which may enhance safety.”

Gun advocates pushed back against the report. In a tweet, the NRA said “This is an extension of the Biden Administration’s war on law-abiding gun owners. America has a crime problem caused by criminals.”

Gun violence prevention advocates welcomed the attention this advisory would bring to the issue.

“This advisory not only sounds the alarm for all Americans, but it signals there must be greater investments in research and violence prevention solutions,” said Dr. Joseph V. Sakran, Brady board chair and chief medical officerin an email. Sakran, a survivor of gun violence and trauma surgeon who leads the group that has been advocating for more of a public health response to gun violence for years, labeled the advisory “groundbreaking.” “Historically, we have seen how the release of Surgeon General reports on public health issues such as the dangers of smoking ignited a wave of policy, legal, and public health initiatives that saved countless American lives and in this case led to deprogramming our nation from the tobacco industry’s lies. We hope this report will have the same resounding impact on the gun violence epidemic.”

The American Psychological Association also applauded the effort to put gun violence “front and center” on American minds.

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    “The picture is appalling,” Arthur C. Evans Jr, the CEO of the American Psychological Association said in a news release. “The impact of gun violence reverberates across communities, leading to collective trauma, stress, and anxiety.”

    This is not the first advisory Murthy has issued. A 2021 advisory detailed the spate ofmental health problemspeople faced, and a separate advisory explained how Americans could confront a rash ofhealth misinformation.Last year, Murthy issued another advisory on the effects of social media on youth mental health.

    “It is up to us to take on this generational challenge with the urgency and clarity the moment demands,” the advisory says. “The safety and well-being of our children and future generations are at stake.”

    US surgeon general declares US gun violence an urgent public health crisis | CNN (2024)


    US surgeon general declares US gun violence an urgent public health crisis | CNN? ›

    US surgeon general declares US gun violence an urgent public health crisis. Gun violence in the United States is a public health crisis that demands urgent action, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared in a major new advisory that pushes for more research and stronger laws designed to reduce harm.

    Did the surgeon general declare gun violence an urgent public health crisis? ›

    U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has issued a landmark Surgeon General's Advisory on Firearm Violence, declaring firearm violence in America to be a public health crisis.

    Is gun violence a public health crisis? ›

    Children and younger Americans, in particular, are suffering from gun violence, Murthy notes in his advisory called “Firearm Violence: A Public Health Crisis in America.” Suicide by gun rates have increased by nearly 70% for those between the ages of 10 to 14.

    What is the public health approach to gun violence according to the CDC? ›

    CDC's approach to preventing firearm injuries focuses on three elements: Providing data to inform action. Conducting research and applying science to identify effective solutions. Promoting collaboration across multiple sectors to address the problem.

    What does a public health approach to addressing gun violence require one to understand? ›

    A public health approach begins with understanding the scope of the problem through data collection and analysis. By tracking firearm injuries and fatalities, researchers can identify patterns and risk factors associated with gun violence.

    What is the history of the Surgeon General's warning? ›

    The office also periodically issues health warnings. Perhaps the best known example of this is the surgeon general's warning label that has been present on all packages of American tobacco cigarettes since 1966. A similar health warning has appeared on alcoholic beverages labels since 1988.

    What was the significance of the 1964 Surgeon General's report? ›

    After consulting more than 7,000 articles about cigarette smoking, the committee concluded smoking was a cause of lung and laryngeal cancer in men, a probable cause of lung cancer in women and the most important cause of chronic bronchitis.

    What makes something a public health crisis? ›

    A public health emergency is a defined as "an occurrence or imminent threat of an illness or health condition, caused by bio terrorism, epidemic or pandemic disease, or an infectious agent or biological toxin, that poses a substantial risk to humans by either causing a significant number of human fatalities or ...

    How does gun violence affect healthcare? ›

    In fact, while there is no complete information on the healthcare costs of firearm injuries, a report released by the U.S. Government Accountability Office in July 2021 found hospital costs for initial gun injury care were just over $1 billion a year in 2016 and 2017 (the latest data available), and costs associated ...

    Why is gun violence such a problem? ›

    Community-wide gun violence may prevent services from fully functioning, which can harm access to education or healthcare. The vast majority of gun violence occurs outside of armed conflict settings. A significant proportion – in some states more than half – of firearm deaths are caused by suicide and accidents.

    What are the 5 ways to stop gun violence? ›

    Keep Communities Safe
    • Block Concealed Carry Reciprocity.
    • Keep Guns Off Campus.
    • Prohibit Guns in Sensitive Areas.
    • Prohibit Open Carry.
    • Require Permits to Carry Concealed Guns in Public.
    • Strong Standards for Carrying Concealed Guns in Public.
    • Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance Funding.
    • Violence Intervention Programs.

    Is violence a public health issue? ›

    The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recognizes violence as a major public health concern.

    What does the government do to stop gun violence? ›

    Most recently, the Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives – a critical leader in work to reduce gun violence – proposed a rule to reduce the number of guns sold without background checks and keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

    Did the surgeon general declare gun violence a public health crisis? ›

    US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy: Firearm Violence Is a Public Health Crisis. Consider these grim statistics: there were more than 48 000 firearms-related deaths in the US in 2022, equating to 132 adults and children dying every day. And firearms are now the leading cause of death among US children and teens.

    What is cure violence a public health model to reduce gun violence? ›

    The Cure Violence model is a public health approach to gun violence reduction that seeks to change individual and community attitudes and norms about gun violence. It considers gun violence to be analogous to a communicable disease that passes from person to person when left untreated.

    How public health approaches to violence prevention are different from criminal justice approaches? ›

    A public health perspective emphasizes commonalities through shared risk and protective factors. A criminal justice approach may lead to prosecutions and incarcerations. A public health approach may emphasize prevention programs, social supports, and case management.

    What was the significance of the 1979 Surgeon General's report? ›

    Healthy People 1990 was an outgrowth of the landmark 1979 publication, Healthy People: The Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (1), which provided the foundation for the first national health promotion and disease prevention initiative.

    What was the significance of the 1979 Surgeon General's report quizlet? ›

    It created national goals for promoting health and preventing disease. The 1979 Surgeon General's report began a focus on preventing disease and promoting health for all Americans. It was a national effort with all levels of government, as well as other interested parties, involved.

    What is the Surgeon General health advisory? ›

    A Surgeon General's Advisory is a public statement that calls the American people's attention to an urgent public health issue and provides recommendations for how it should be addressed. Advisories are reserved for significant public health challenges that require the nation's immediate awareness and action.

    What are the statistics on gun violence? ›

    In 2022, 48,117 people died by firearms in the United States — an average of one death every 11 minutes. Over 26,993 people died by firearm suicide, 19,592 died by firearm homicide, 472 died by unintentional gun injury, and an estimated 649 were fatally shot by law enforcement.

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