What you need to know. ADN / BSN Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) Working together to provide Associate and Baccalaureate Degrees in Nursing (2024)


Revised 6/10/15


Concurrent Enrollment Program


What you need to know

Working together to provide




The Pima Community College (PCC)/Northern Arizona University (NAU) Concurrent Enrollment Associate Degree/Baccalaureate Degree Nursing program is designed for qualified associate degree nursing (ADN) students who are interested in earning their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree while pursuing their associate’s degree in nursing.

The Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) allows students to pursue an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in nursing while providing an affordable course of study that, followed in sequence, enables students to complete their BSN degree concurrently with their AAS degree. Students enrolled in the CEP will follow the traditional course of study for all PCC ADN students pursuing their AAS degree in nursing, but at the same time they will also be enrolled in required NAU nursing courses. Because NAU courses are taken online or in hybrid format, all courses will be offered in Tucson.

Upon completion of the PCC/NAU CEP (120 credits), graduates are eligible to take the NCLEX-RN® licensure


BSN-prepared nurses are highly valued by potential employers and PCC/NAU CEP graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills to begin their nursing career with a degree that will promote professional knowledge and advancement.


The AAS/BSN Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) is an educational partnership between Pima Community College (PCC) and Northern Arizona University (NAU). The student is enrolled in both Pima Community College and Northern Arizona University. Students must complete 120 credits, 90 of which can be completed at PCC, with the remaining 30 completed through NAU.

Students in the PCC nursing program take coursework from the NAU BSN program at the same time as the PCC nursing courses. Once the CEP student is dually enrolled, the student must accomplish additional

coursework from NAU (6 credits) prior to entering the first semester of the PCC nursing program. Thereafter, the CEP student will take one to two NAU courses with each of the PCC semesters and additional coursework during summer semesters. If a student fails an NAU course or is unable to continue in the concurrent pathway during the CEP, the student may still continue in the PCC nursing program according to the PCC College Catalog and Nursing Department Student Policy Handbook criteria for progression. The student may then return to NAU after completion of the AAS degree to complete the BSN components.




To be considered for participation in the CEP, the following is required: • Complete all PCC and NAU prerequisite and co-requisite requirements.

• Meet the minimum GPA of 3.0 in all PCC and NAU courses that are noted with one asterisk (*) below. • Attend a CEP Information Session.

• Complete the CEP application, available only at the CEP Information Session.

• Score ≥ 75% on the HESI A2 Exam in Reading, Math and Anatomy/Physiology. (HESI testing will be made available to students once they have attended a CEP Information Session.)

• Submit copies of your HESI A2 scores and unofficial transcripts.

Meet all Health and Safety requirements of the PCC ADN program and NAU School of Nursing after acceptance into the CEP


PCC Nursing Prerequisites Additional NAU Prerequisites

Compass reading score ≥ 95 within 2 years of program application MAT 142* or 151* Documented Math at MAT 151 by Assessment Exam or MAT 122

(not older than 4 years)* MAT 167* or PSY 230* BIO 201IN or BIO 202IH (not older than 4 years)* BIO 218*

BIO 202IN (not older than 4 years)* AGEC-A Humanities and Fine Arts: must meet the AGEC I, C & G requirement** BIO 205IN* CHM 130IN or CHM 130/CHM 130LB (Not older than 6 years. Cannot test out

of course.)*

PSY 101* (not older than 4 years)* Nutrition FSN 154, FSN127IN, BIO 127IN, or FSN 241 PSY 240* (ECE107* qualifies if the student has been awarded a

bachelor’s degree or AGEC-A) WRT 101*

WRT 102*

Humanities/Fine Art/Leadership & Ethics Global Awareness AGEC-A, C or G

*Prerequisite courses used for GPA calculation for admissions.

**Between PCC and NAU AGEC-A Humanities requirements (6 credits), students must have an I, C and G or meet PCC General Education Curriculum (AGEC-A) certificate or a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited school.


• All students must complete both NAU and PCC ADN program pre and co-requisites as noted above. • To ensure that prerequisites meet program requirements, students are encouraged to meet with PCC

college advisors.

• Attendance at a CEP Information Session is mandatory before application to the program.



• Application and acceptance to Northern Arizona University (NAU) College of Nursing is completed after eligibility into the CEP is determined.

• If you have already begun courses in PCC’s ADN program, you are not eligible to transfer into the CEP.


Pima Community College Associate Degree Nursing program and Northern Arizona University School of Nursing have Health and Safety Requirements that must be met prior to enrolling and participating in any clinical experiences. Students are required to have their healthcare provider sign a health declaration form stating that the student is in good health and can meet the physical and mental technical standards for the program. Healthcare agencies throughout the state require vaccinations or titers and other healthcare related requirements (examples of these requirements are background checks, CPR, drug/alcohol screens, etc.) These requirements are subject to change per healthcare agency contracts with the educational

institution, and students must be compliant with agency requirements prior to and throughout the program.


Who can apply to the Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP)?

All students who have completed the eligibility requirements for the CEP are encouraged to apply.

Where does the program take place?

The CEP will be offered at Pima Community College West Campus and Northern Arizona University, Tucson.

Is there a waiting list for the CEP?

There is no waiting list for the CEP. If you are not accepted into the program for the semester to which you applied, you must reapply for the semester for which you wish to be considered for enrollment.

Do I have to attend a CEP Information Session?

Yes, information about applying to the CEP can only be obtained at an Information Session. You must be in attendance for the entire Information Session in order to have your name placed on the list for program consideration, so please plan to arrive on time and remain for the entire session. CEP Information Sessions follow the scheduled PCC Nursing Program Information Sessions. For dates and times of information sessions, please go to the PCC West Campus Student Services or call 206-6699.

How do I apply for the CEP?

• Meet all PCC/NAU ADN/BSN program prerequisites with a grade of “B” or higher • Take HESI A2 Exam in West Campus Testing and Assessment Center

• Submit CEP application with HESI A2 scores and unofficial transcripts to the West Campus nursing department, Room D-200 by application deadline date.

What are we looking for in a potential candidate that is applying for the CEP?

Applications that meet eligibility will be reviewed and student selection will be based on GPA and HESI A2 scores. One point will be added for each previous degree held. One point will be added for having an AGEC awarded. One point will be deducted each time a student repeated BIO 201, BIO 202, BIO 205, CHM 130, WRT I or WRT II in order to achieve a grade of “B”.

If I am not selected for the CEP can I reapply?



Do I need to be admitted to NAU?

To be eligible to apply for the CEP, you must have an assigned seat with a start date in the PCC ADN program. Following your acceptance into the CEP, you will need to apply to NAU at:


If I am receiving financial aid, how will it be disbursed between the two schools?

Because federal regulations require that financial aid can only be disbursed through one college at a time, you will need to apply for financial aid through NAU and complete and sign a consortium agreement for financial aid disbursem*nt. Although the financial aid between the two programs is designed to work seamlessly, this cannot be guaranteed, so there may be times when you will be asked to pay your PCC tuition before you receive your NAU financial aid check. You will need to be prepared to pay your PCC tuition out of pocket or by payment plan until the balance of your financial aid is awarded by NAU.

How are classes scheduled?

You will be registered for your PCC ADN classes through the nursing department. Course schedules will be sent to you via your MyPima e-mail. NAU courses are primarily online. NAU courses will require online registration. Hybrid courses will be scheduled around PCC nursing courses.

PCC ADN program includes full time, traditional and hybrid courses. Schedules for PCC nursing courses (lectures, college laboratory and clinical laboratory) are established at the discretion of the Nursing Department. Individual student requests cannot be honored. Nursing schedules are dependent on clinical site and instructor availability and are subject to change. It is highly recommended that students not work while enrolled in the CEP.

When do NAU classes start?

The NAU Concurrent Enrollment Program traditional and web-based classes start the Fall semester prior to the first semester of the PCC program and continue throughout the 4 semesters. There are also two summer semesters that include 11 NAU credits.

Where do I go for academic advisem*nt for this program?

PCC and NAU advisors are available for pre-application advisem*nt at the individual campus that offers the CEP.

Pima Community College

Advising Northern Arizona University Advising Northern Arizona University Financial Aid

Roxanna Lovio rlovio@pima.edu (520) 206-6957 Debbie Yeh debbie.yeh@nau.edu (928) 523-0685 Mirna Lord Mirna.Lord@nau.edu (520) 879-7910

Where may I go for more information about this program?

Detailed program information is provided at CEP Information Sessions.

When can I register for the NAU NUR 330 and NUR 321 courses?



Pima Community College – Northern Arizona University

Concurrent Associate/Baccalaureate Degree

Course # Course Title Credits PCC/NAU Prerequisites

Compass reading score ≥ 95 within 2 years of program application

MAT 142 or 151* Topics in College Math/College Algebra 3 – 4 CHM 130IN1* or CHM 130/

CHM 130LB1* (cannot test out) Fundamentals of Chemistry 5

BIO 201IN* Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 BIO 202IN* Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4

BIO 205IN* Microbiology 4

BIO 218* Human Pathophysiology 4

PSY 101* Introduction to Psychology 4 PSY 240* (or ECE107* if student has

AGEC-A or bachelor’s degree) Developmental Psychology 3

MAT 167* or PSY 230* Statistics 3

WRT 101* Writing I 3

WRT 102* Writing II 3


127IN*/FSN154/FSN241 Human Nutrition and Biology 4 AGEC-A Art Student choice: these 2 courses must meet

the AGEC-A I, C & G requirements 3

AGEC-A Humanities 3

Subtotal 50 - 51

PCC Core Nursing Courses

NRS 104 Nursing Process I 8

HCA 102 Drug Calculations 1

HCA 155 Pharmacology 3

NRS 105 Nursing Process II 9

NRS 201 Nursing Process III 9

NRS 202 Nursing Process IV 9

Subtotal 39

NAU BSN – Nursing Courses

NUR 330 Intro. to NRS as a Discipline & Profession 3 NUR 307 Health Assessment for Registered Nurses 2

NUR 321 Gerontology 3

NUR 390W Research & Evidence-Based Practice 3 NUR 320 Basic Principles in Palliative Care 3 NUR 424 Nursing Informatics & Health Care Policy 3

NUR 420 Family Nursing Roles 3

NUR 442 Public Health Nursing 5

NUR 450C Nursing Leadership 3

NUR 452 Nursing Leadership Applications 2

Subtotal 30

Total Credits for NAU-PCC BSN 119 - 120

• A minimum of 120 credits is required for this NAU degree. NAU will accept 90 community college transfer credits into this program. Additional credits needed to reach 120 credits may be taken in any area.

• Two different prefix requirements for social/behavioral sciences waived. *Prerequisite courses used for GPA calculation for admissions.



Concurrent Associate/Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Program

Course of Study

The plan of study for spring entry into the PCC/NAU Concurrent Enrollment Program is outlined below and must be followed without deviation. In the event that modification of this course of study is absolutely necessary, approval by the CEP advisor is required. To maintain your status as a CEP student, you must be enrolled in NAU every semester as noted below without exception.

Introductory Fall - prior to entering PCC ADN program Total: 6 credits

NAU NUR 330 Nursing as a Discipline and Profession 3 credits

NAU NUR 321 Gerontology 3 credits

Semester I Spring – start ADN Total: 14 credits

PCC NRS 104 Nursing Process I 8 credits PCC HCA 102 Drug Calculations 1 credit

PCC HCA 155 Pharmacology 3 credits

NAU NUR 307 Health Assessment 2 credits

Summer I Total: 6 credits

NAU NUR 390W Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing 3 credits NAU NUR 320 Basic Principles in Palliative Care 3 credits

Semester II Fall Total: 12 credits

PCC NRS 105 Nursing Process II 9 credits NAU NUR 424 Nursing Informatics & Health Care Policy 3 credits

Semester III Spring Total: 12 credits

PCC NRS 201 Nursing Process III 9 credits NAU NUR 420 Family Nursing Roles 3 credits

Summer II Total: 5 credits

NAU NUR 427 Public Health Nursing 5 credits

Semester IV Fall Total: 14 credits

PCC NRS 202 Nursing Process IV 9 credits NAU NUR 450C Nursing Leadership 3 credits NAU NUR 408 Nursing Leadership Applications 2 credits



Clinical Eligibility Requirements

Required Immunizations


All students entering the PCC/NAU CEP must meet eligibility requirements to attend the clinical laboratory. This is essential for the safety of the clients at the clinical facilities used by the Nursing Department. The student must provide proof of meeting these requirements.

1. MMR (measles/ mumps/rubella): Two doses (4 weeks between doses) or students may provide a copy of laboratory results demonstrating immunity.

2. Varicella (chicken pox): Two doses (4 weeks between doses) or students may provide a copy of laboratory results demonstrating immunity.

3. Hepatitis B series: Three doses or students may provide a copy of laboratory results demonstrating immunity.

4. Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) within the last 10 years, effective through the last day of the semester the student is enrolling in.

5. Flu vaccine: must be administered seasonally.

6. Negative PPD (TB skin test) current through the last day of the current semester. Students who cannot get a PPD must provide the following:

a. Documentation which includes the date of the positive PPD and

b. Documentation of a negative chest x-ray that was done after the date of the positive PPD and c. Completed Tuberculosis Symptoms Screen Questionnaire. (This is good for one year and

cannot expire before the last day of the current semester.)

Additional Eligibility Requirements


1. Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) Fingerprint Clearance Card (Level I Clearance) and a copy 2. CPR card (Health Care Provider level – infant/child/adult) effective through the last day of the

currently enrolled semester and a copy of both sides of the card. Must be done through the

American Heart Association.

3. Verification of health insurance with insurance card and a copy of the card, effective through currently enrolled semester.

4. PCC student ID card (with picture) and a copy of the ID card.

5. Student Health Declaration form signed by a licensed healthcare provider and dated within three months prior to the first day of the semester

6. Signed copy of Signature Form for Nursing Division Student Policy Handbook

7. J2 Laboratory Drug Screening prior to entering the program and annually at the request of the nursing department.



Pima Community College – Northern Arizona University

Concurrent Associate / Baccalaureate Degree Enrollment

Estimated Program Costs

Required Prerequisites course PCC tuition (51 credits) ... $3,850.50*

PCC – ADN Program Costs:

These costs are approximate. Additional fees may apply.

DPS Background Check $65

CPR Certification $40

Course Fees $400

Uniforms/Shoes/Clinical Supplies Varies Required Textbooks / Lab Supplies $1,400 Physical Exam / Immunizations / Document Tracker Varies

Toxicology Screening $40

Licensing $550

Tuition & Fees (39 credits) $4114.50*

PCC ADN TOTAL $6,609.50

NAU – BSN Program Costs:

These costs are approximate. Additional fees may apply.

Application fee $25

Books $1,000

NAU School of Nursing patch for uniform $5 Tuition (30 credits) $12,090**

NAU – BSN TOTAL $13,120


PCC / NAU Concurrent Enrollment Program (120 credits)



* Based on PCC tuition rates for 2015-2016 **Based on NAU tuition rates for 2015-2016

***DOES NOT include cost for books for pre or co-requisite courses • Tuition based on in-state residency



10 Steps to Success

Step 1: Student wants to pursue Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP).

Step 2: Student is referred to advisem*nt about course requirements for PCC ADN program and NAU.

Step 3: Student attends PCC West Campus CEP Information Session.

Step 4: Student submits CEP application, HESI A2 scores and unofficial transcripts.

Step 5: CEP Acceptance Committee reviews applications and determines acceptance, alternate, or denial.

Step 6: Applicants selected for placement notified of status and accept/refuse placement.

Step 7: Selected students apply to NAU Undergraduate Admissions – NAU Student Center and enroll in NUR 330 and NUR 321 in Fall.

Step 8: Student completes NUR 330 and NUR 321 and begins PCC/NAU CEP course of study in Spring.

Step 9: Student graduates with AAS in Nursing from Pima Community College Student graduates with BSN in Nursing from Northern Arizona University



What you need to know. ADN / BSN Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP) Working together to provide Associate and Baccalaureate Degrees in Nursing (2024)
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